You will take exams by recording answers on "big, pink scantrons" (8.5 x 11 inch, pink ParSCORE scantron forms). I will supply these. You'll need to bring your own #2 pencil (and a good eraser).
Below, you can see the scantron for a hypothetical student exam. Note the following:
(1) NAME: Write your LAST and FIRST names — and fill in the corresponding bubbles. There's no need to include your middle initial.
(2) STUDENT I.D. NUMBER: Just enter the last 4 digits of your social security number and fill in the corresponding bubbles — use the FIRST FOUR PLACE HOLDERS to write your digits...
(3) CODE NO: I will give you this number on the exam day - it will consist of the course number plus several other digits. No need to fill in bubbles for this.